Can I bring my cat / dog / [insert your pet here] to my next photoshoot?

The answer may not be as easy as it sounds - there are a few suggestions to consider if you want to bring your furry or scaley friend! Hi, my name is Emma, and I am a portrait, maternity, and couples' photographer based in Oregon, and I LOVE working with animals! I have a kitten of my own named Captain Jack Sparrow, and he is the sweetest thing ever.

Why should you bring your pet??

  • Create memories with them
  • Have professional photos of your pet and with your pet
  • Boast to all of your friends that you have the best "_____"
  • If they are a big part of your life!

While normally I will accept any and all pets at your photoshoot, here are some questions you should consider as you plan with your photographer.

1 - Do you ever take your pet outside?

If your pet is solely an indoor pet and has not experienced the outdoors, I would not recommend taking your pet into that stressful environment just for a photoshoot. Instead, let me come to your house, and we can pick a corner with good lighting and a cute background. If you would like the shoot to be elsewhere, we can also consider the possibility of renting a pet-friendly work studio or AirBnb, to have a clutter-free, beautiful space!

Skylar's cat, Alba (pictured here), is an indoor cat, so I went to her place and we created a corner with this ADORABLE yellow couch and gold picture frames.

2 - Do you have a leash and harness to take your pet outdoors?

Depending on your pet, they will probably need a leash and harness or collar to be outside safely. As the photographer, I will never ask you to take the leash or harness off - usually the way we place the pet can hide the bulky look of the leash.

My husband and I started training my kitten on a harness and leash as soon as we got him, and this allowed us to take him on supervised walks outside! I absolutely recommend you have a way of restraining your pet, especially depending on the environment.

3 - Is your pet mostly well-behaved?

You should make sure that your pet is going to be safe with themselves, and potentially around other distractions. If your pet (particularly if they are a dog) is reactive around others, you should talk with your photographer about what the most secluded locations are, to prevent the pet from reacting in a dangerous manner. Don't intentionally put your photographer in danger for the sake of a few photos! Remember, you know your pet best.

Annabel and Josiah's dog, Nellie, was well-behaved. Even though she was very excited to be out, she knew "sit" and "stay", the most essential commands for a photoshoot. Remember, it is okay if they are excited! I love capturing all of the moments - they do not have to be perfectly posed.

Some final thoughts...

These questions primarily apply to cats and dogs, but can also be applicable for birds, reptiles, and more! I'd also be willing to take photos among your livestock, like sheep, cows, and horses - I think any of those in an open field would look SO COOL! If you are someone who has beloved animals on your property, let me know and I'd love to come to you!

I will offer 50% off of a photoshoot (with stipulations) to the first person who lets me take photos of them and their snake (it's on my bucket list).

Still unsure about whether or not you should bring your pet to your photoshoot? Leave a question below!