How do you create a photo session that truly represents the client?

For me, it has always been about learning their passions. Cura, the person who inspired this colorful photoshoot, is a friend of mine who LOVES art. So, it seemed fitting that we chose a creative idea that represented HER. Unfortunately, there are too many basic senior and portrait and headshot photos that don't do justice to who the person really is, or what their business really is. My goal as a photographer is to truly capture YOU - through your hobbies, passions, and preferences.

Hi, my name is Emma, and I am the Oregon adventure photographer. I call myself the adventure photographer because I want to push my clients out of their comfort zone, in hopes to truly reveal who they are in a series of photos. My hope is to create a photo session that helps my client live out their wildest dreams. I am known primarily for shooting seniors, couples, and motherhood sessions, and I want you to think of the most crazy cool creative session you can come up with, that represents who YOU are.

This one goes out to artists, my creatives, my people who are not afraid to get messy. So, stay tuned to learn about how my photo session with Cura went!

1 - Finding the right location

Cura and I had talked through where to shoot. We knew we wanted a spot with big trees and a mountain in the background. Unfortunately, due to rainy weather and clouds, we never got to see the mountain. But, on our way up to the Mt. Hood territory, we found a patch of sunshine, which is where we captured these road photos. I love these shots because I was starting to see her wild and carefree nature, dancing and spinning with her hands in the air. Then, we found a quieter spot on the side of the road to set up her art supplies.

2 - Setting the scene (art props galore)

The easel and canvas

Cura had decided that she was not going to worry about creating the perfect art piece. However, her work still turned out beautifully. She specifically chose bold, bright colors that would stand out both on the canvas as well as our dark tree background. She really did paint throughout the session!

The big paintbrush

I was initially unsure about how to use this brush as a prop, but Cura expertly put it in front of her face, her eyes, and more to create artistic representations of her life as an artist. I now insist that all artists who book with me should bring their art supplies!

The clear palette

Cura got this palette specifically for this session (I think... now I'm second guessing, haha)! It felt almost therapeutic to watch her add paint to the clear surface. We played a lot with this prop, putting it in front of her face, with me focusing the camera sometimes on the palette and sometimes on her face.

3 - My creative shots and edits

Here is a small list of creative things we tried during this shoot:

  • Using camera fractals (prisms) to create some of the kaleidoscope images
  • Experimenting with super close shots and different focus points
  • Cropping the image closer to Cura's face
  • Adding grain or black and white edits on top of the photo
  • Putting paint on Cura's face to add to the "cute, but messy" vibes

These are shots that are easy to recreate in any session, and they really stood out in this gallery!

So, what do you think? Am I your next photographer? Keep reading!



I'm artsy and I love this! How can I book you?

I am so glad that you love my style of photography, as well as my mission to create a session that is uniquely YOU! We are going to have so much fun creating a styled session that is tailored to the person you are becoming. To book, all you have to do is click on the 'Contact' button in the Menu, or just fill out the basic questionnaire below and I will be in contact with you soon!

I'm not artsy, but I'm interested!

Did you know that you don't have to be artsy in order for you to have a shoot that is uniquely you? All I need to create a session that fits you is something you love: a hobby, a passion, even a sport! (P.S. This is an easter egg... I have a sports photography blog coming soon) So, what are you really interested in? Tell me! (Or check out the list to the right!)

What are some of my dream session ideas?

- An adventurous hiking session in Mt. Rainier (I have some spots in mind!)
- An In-n-out shoot (or your favorite restaurant)
- A colorful studio session for my fashionable friends
- A canoe or kayaking session
- Photoshoot with picture frames
- A session with a vintage car (anyone restoring a vintage car with their dad? I will happily offer you a discounted session!)
- Someone and their pet snake
- Disco and roller skates session
- Coffee shop x bookstore vibes
- Apple picking and a picnic and maybe a favorite book?
- Playing with Trader Joe's flowers

Any of these speak to you, or inspire you to come up with an idea for a session that fits who you are and what you love? Send me a message!

Or, if you have any questions about this shoot, add them here!

Oh yay I'm so excited for the gifs wow these are so beautiful thanks so much for sharing that experience with me it was magical and you made me feel so beautiful!

Cura (after I sent her the gallery)